Hanyu Gliderport

HSC's base of activity is Hanyu gliderport in Hanyu city, Saitama prefecture. It is located on the right riverbed of Tone river in north-east region of Hanyu city.

Hanyu gliderport is one of the most ideal gliderport in Kanto region. Good thermal conditions are expected in all seasons and less obstacles like high-voltage lines exist around the field.

Several other gliderports are located within moderate distance from Hanyu gliderport. Itakura gliderport is at 8 kilometers north, Kurihashi (Yomiuri Kazo) gliderport is at 8 kilometers south-east, and Menuma gliderport is at 17 kilometers west of Hanyu gliderport.

This geographical advantage also contributes the safety of flight activities.

Hanyu gliderport is conveniently located about 10 minites drive from Hanyu IC on Tohoku Expwy. There is Hanyu Skysports Park on the riverbank and several parking areas are available.

On sunny days, lot's of people are watching HSC's activities from Hanyu Skysports Park.

Runway Characteristics

Location N 36° 11' 31", E 139° 36' 33"
Length/Width 650 m × 30 m
Elevation 63 feet
Surface All Grass

Traffic Pattern

Gliders Left/Right Pattern 14, Left Pattern 33
Airplanes Left Pattern 14, Left Pattern 33
Downwind 800 feet ~ 1,000 feet (all aircrafts)
Frequency 130.725 MHz (HANYU FLIGHT SERVICE)
Remarks There is RC flying area at the downstream of the south end of the runway. (Flying below 1,000 feet must be avoided in the RC flyinig area.)
Use caution for motor-paragliders flying at the west (upstream) of Tonegawa bridge of Tohoku expwy.

traffic pattern