About HSC

HSC is an incorporated non-profit organization (NPO) aiming to promote skysports and help regional development through glider (sailplane) flying activities as a lifelong sport.

HSC has glider and motor-glider flying activities mainly on weekends and holidays at Hanyu Gliderport which is located on the right riverbed of Tone river in north-east region of Hanyu city.

HSC is continuously interacting with local residents.

An experience flight event for Hanyu city residents and an outdoor class event collaborated with nearby elementary school are held occasionally.

HSC also contributes to local communities by providing an experience flight as a gift in return for the hometown tax donation to Hanyu city.

Members of HSC can enhance their wholesome sociality and cooperativeness by communicating with residents and other club members in addition to the flight and maintenance activities.

While HSC's activities are wholly backed up by Hanyu city, persons from other area may join the club. Of course, absolute beginners who have no flight experience are also welcome! See Join Us for details.