
This page introduces HSC's various facilities.

Club House

Briefing, debriefing and sometimes crassroom studies are held in club house.

The clean and confortable club house is furnished with air-conditioner, refrigerator, microwave, copy machine, cot bed, and so on.

Pist Car

The pist car is towable by vehicle. It provides comfort throughout every season, even in hot summer and cold winter.

It can also be used as a "beer stand" occasonally at BBQ and other events.


Hangars are utilized for aircraft strage and maintenance.

Gliders and motor gliders are stored in hangars specifically designed to fit each aircraft features. It reduces stress to aircrafts since the aircrafts can be stored without disassembly.

Also, there are some movable hangars which can store gliders on the runway.

Workshop House

Workshop house provides an effective work space for producting or repairing parts and equipments and heavy maintenance such as re-paint of the aircraft.


Parking areas and public lavatory in Hanyu Skysports Park are also available.

Members of HSC positively make a cooperation to clean up and maintain the Skysports Park including the parking areas.