Visit & Experience

Flying acrivities are conducted mainly on weekends and holidays.

You can watch the flight activities from the river bank anytime. However, if you want to watch our activities nearby, hear from our staff or take an experience flight, please fill in and submit the following request form about one week in advance.

We will inform you of availability and precautions for visiting depending on the scheduled activities.

Visit or experience flight may not be accepted unless you submit a request well in advance.

Actual cost for an experience flight is 8,500JPY/15min for glider (sailplane) and 6,000JPY/20min for motorglider (powered sailplane). If you have preferred flight time, please enter into the following form.

Experience flight is not a commercial sightseeing flight, but is intended for people who are considering joining the HSC. We do not take any responsibility even if we can not live up to your expectations due to our circumstances.

Also, we can not accept your visit or experience flight for purpose of interview or taking picture and movies as a business for profit.

Visit & Experience Flight Request Form

We may check your identification such as driving license for security reason.

A person who takes an experience flight must sign a disclaimer document before flight at the gliderport.

If there is a falsehood or inaccuracy in the request form entry, an experience flight can not be accepted due to a security reason.

of Visit
Mon Day *
* Please confirm the day of activities on "Activities" page.
of Visit


Required only for guest flight
Weight *  
* Maximum weight for flight is 100kg.
Blood Type
*   Pilot License
* If Yes, enter details into 'Others' column.


The personal information will be used for safety of flight and to provide you with information about visit or experience flight, and neither be used for other purposes nor be provided to a third party.

It will be deleted after your visit or experience flight.